Thursday, September 18, 2008

Running away from Ike...Sighting in Austin.

Hurricane Ike.. what a disaster, I feel for all the people that lost their homes and I pray to God every night..

I feel so blessed, when we came back home from Austin we found a lot of branches half of the trees were knocked down by Ike, but nothing happened to the house ufff, Thank God everything was in place and it was a total relief, we still don't have our power back on but we have water and natural gas, though I'm pretty sure I am getting sick, I am loosing my voice and I have watery eyes other than that I really don't know what to talk about I am really overwhelmed by all that's happened ..

FORSa PINK customers:Orders had to be put on hold until further notice due to Hurricane Ike..including mine my Newport order and Gojane have not arrived and it's been over 2 weeks now..
On the side note: my silver gladiators were stolen from my hotel room in Austin I am totally bummed ...

I will leave you with some sightings from our trip to Austin..

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