Wednesday, March 4, 2009

New Things...Same Things..

Every time a take a long break, I come back and is like I want to change everything about every little thing in my life, for better or for worse ( for better most of the times ..) I always seem to be in the hunt for change, changing the room, the blog, my hair, my workout routine, the way I eat, everything that you can think of I want to do different.

Anyhow I redid my blog and my room hopefully I can get some photos soon, if you would like to see it... having red hair has been a love/hate kinda thing, I know they say to not wash your hair with hot water and not to wash it very often but I just can't do it, the cold water is ok but the not wash it too often has been a real pain I can't function without washing my hair everyday, I however try to do it and wear a hat instead since my hair can get really oily, I really like it I think is worth it but it can be too much high maintenance for me.

You can see in these photos the red is kinda fading but I actually like the color better now.

The following are just silly photos of me and some friends.. ( this is actually the only things/ people I will never ever want to change)

Iguana Joe's mango margaritas are hands down the best ones in houston..

Dosequis is the only beer I will drink anything else feels and tastes disgusting to me..

Liizz, have a happy life!!


Anonymous said...

you look grat! love that red dress with the blazer!

Anonymous said...
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Monikapolitan said...

Hopefully we run into eachother at SXSW!!!!

Liizz said...

yeah I know how cool would that be!!! but if we don't have lots of fun and wear super cute outfits hehe ;]

Montreal Fashion Minds said...

Cool skirt!

~ Montreal Fashion Minds ~

Rylie said...

You look wonderful.
I love the chanel <3