We are not the Cool Kids at the Parties we are just two hard working individuals with lots of ideas and even more dreams, our goal is to provide you with what "we think" is cool and fun, we have an online store www.forsapink.com where you can find cool T-shirts, Accesories and sometimes Vintage items are for sale as well.
This blog is just a daily journey of a working student with lots of projects and a passion for fashion and inerior design.
ke si me gusta..
me enkanto..
eso si..
no es de kuanto gastes... $$
si no...
el look!!!!!!!
fashion es chida!!!!!!
y si alguien se llega a reir
de komo te vistes...
simplemente es porke
la personitha no sabe NADA de
me enkata este look 8) se viste mui padre la chava i aparte tiene muxa razon en k fashion no es de kuanto gastes si no el look ...love ur blog
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