Party's and more Partys' and then clubs I just can't seem to get enough, Im such a bad girl.
Last night me and my bf met my BFF at our favorite restaurant it had been a long time but I've come to relize that party's, clubs and what not don't make me that much happy anymore or maybe is just the fact that I've grown sick of it, but anyways today I was off and as always I went thrifth shopping at least I know thats something that will never bore me.
I have this one black bag that I use with everything actually the one that I showed a couple of blogs ago and I love it to death but for some reason when I go thirft shopping I always look for black bags I can't get enough of black bags and today I found 2, 1 pink and 1 wooden like.
One of the bags reminded me of a post on Liebemarlene blog when I first looked at ir but now that I'm actually looking at the post they don't look that much the same but here thay are I will probably be putting them up for sale on the store or on ebay.

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