Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Target Futuristic
Lame done right.

I think all black isthe safe way to go and I have this sequiend vest that might work, I'll let you know how it goes.
Paramore Paramore..
Moving on, we went out for dinner yet again to Iguana Joe's I swear the food is ridiculous good.. to celebrate my BF mom's birthday, and then home.
Did anyone watched The Hills yesterday????
I know the show is a fake and all but I am always excited to see what the girls are wearing!!!
**I'm wearing myy new leggings tonight.
Monday, April 28, 2008
What doesn't kill you...
I would like to share with you.

Monday, April 21, 2008
File me on Vintage.
It's weird because I'm not used to wear whatever I buy right away but this time I just threw everything in the washing machine and tried to wear it all at once it didn't work but I did wear some of it once at a time throughout the weekend.
I am so in love with this dress is so nautical and by the way is navy blue and white polka dots not black I love it to death.
I bougth this shirt last week at a random F21 like store, I can't wait to wear it I also got a metallic top and some really cool black shoes.
This skirt is long enough to wear as a dress and I love the pattern so much is on the top of my favorite things list.
This is is for now thank you for reading
OMFG and late again.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Fierce coming your way.
I'm a mess just when you reach that point in your life when you decide that you are comfortable with who you areand how you look everything changes I've been losing and gaining weight like crazy I recently dropped 10 lbs in just 2 weeks when I started to stress out about school and family then regained about 5-7 now I think Im down at least to 103 and I feel sick and disgusted I like to be 108- 113 but let's just not concentrate on my weight.
once again thank you for reading.
So we are a couple right a girl and a boy ambitious and full of ideas.
Boy: Current Graphic Designer student, responsible for all the designs, computer nerd, loves fashion even if its hard for him to accept it, loves music and belives the 80's are back for good. Goes by Alain.
Girl: Student-Still unsure weather she wants to be a Fashion Merhcandising mogul or be the next big Interior Designer, breathes and lives fashion, thirft shopping has become an obession, #1 Helo Kitty fan, vintage diva. Goes by Liizz.
Our mission:To bring you the latest in fashion from vintage one of a kind finds to fierce accesories such as sunglasses, necklaces, earrings, bags etc. we just came out with a clothing line tha will soon be available at our Online store.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Party's Alcohol and what not.

Monday, April 7, 2008
Moving on my Yard Sale was a succes I sold $150 though a lot of things were new never used still with tags I had to sell them dirt cheap but I guess at the end they did me a favor for taking away all the stuff.
On Saturday we went to a birthday party and then to Katzy's to try a Cheesecakeshake and is not as good as I thougth, is kinda gross actually too much sweet and really expensive but thats what we live for, to try new things everyday. I am so in love.

My Lovely.

Now go and check the rest!!!
Thursday, April 3, 2008

Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Shopping has never been this fun.
The Yello tunic fits great and the leggins are so cool they were only 3 bucks, I don't know what is with me but I can't stop buying black bags, this one had me at hello is so perfect I love the long strap because you can wear it across for the hip-cool look but also the small handle for when the outfit is more serious.