Sunday, November 25, 2007


I suck at writting if you haven't noticed already but anyways...

I can't really explain how much I love Andy Warhol, so much that I made my BF wear a blonde wig so me and him could be Andy Warhol and Eddie Sedgwick for Halloween how lovely. So ever since I saw Lucy with her andy warhol tote bag I was just like OMG gotta have one [[NOT]] let's see only yesterday at the ROCKENHOUSTON.COM second aniversary I spotted 3 girls wearing the exact same bag and I gotta say I was not surprised, not at all after finding out that they have for $20 at Ross and thats one of the many reasons I absolutley love EBAY and online shopping so Im still looking for one but is gotta be different thats for sure. Still a good bargaing considering that regular price is $40 something.
*me & my BF on halloween*

for more Andy Warhol goddies visit

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