Friday, December 19, 2008
Gossip Girl Cutie!
I've been a fan of Blair Waldorf long before Gossip Girl the TV series, I used to read Gossip Girl's books religiously and I have all of them, I have to admit being a big fan of GG's books I was a little skeptical about Leighton Meester plying Blair W. but I guess she proved me wrong b/c I love her!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Buy me clothes!
Sometimes I looked around my room and I say to myself; enough clothes enough shoes,bags and enough everything, but the truth is there is never enough, I am always missing something I am always needing something and I can't stop, anyway I've been neglecting Ross for a few months now and I don't know why!! I spent $75 and I got 100 things (exaggeration) plus I got an early gift for my BF!
Some girly tops and a cozy cardigan!
I got the cheetah print skinnys everybody has now for 10 bucks !?! Does it get better than that?
Zippers on the sides yum!
I ordered these 2 pairs last week from and I can't wait!!
Let it snow!
So last Night .... Houston was covered up in snow and and it was awesome everybody was so shocked I mean the last time it snowed I was like on Middle school I think , like but nothing like this time it was sooo romantic and everybody was happy and smiling!!! I took photos like crazy naturally and well I want to share them!
Now it definitely feels like Christmas!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
What I've been Doing.
It's becoming really hard to take pictures these days since it's bee mostly raining and very dark outside, I usually get up earlier every other day like at 6 or 7 to take photos but it's becoming harder to get up in the morning, today I woke up and it was 28 degrees outside.
So my treo has become my BFF and I've been taking mirror pictures every chance I get!
In our warehouse/storage, the restroom is pretty!

At School!

Playing Dress Up.
Well Kind of..I've started my Christmas Wish List and it basically consists of lots of Miu Miu like graphic tees and some color full bubble shape skirts and very glittery shoes!!!


Wednesday, December 3, 2008
The Makeover!
Hello !!

As you might've noticed the blog got a make over.. and so far I like it, it looks more clean and simple, do you like?? yees?? noo?? ..
So today was a weird day, the sun came out earlier than usual and by 9 am. it started raining and then by noon it was sunny again but nonetheless it was a pretty day not too much hotness not too much cold, just chilly enough to wear a jacket.
On the side note: I'm always getting mails or myspace messages on reference to my blog, like where did you get this? or what do you use for your hair? or this or that? but anyway I just wanted to let everyone know that If you have questions on response to an outfit or something that you see on the blog do not cease to post your comments you don't need an account to comment you can even leave your thoughts and ?? as anonymous, and since this blog is more local than anything, if you see me in person come over and ask away I don't bite lol !?!!?
I love my new hat!!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Black Vintage Night.
Hii my name is Lizz, I take pictures on top of plastic boxes while holding from a dumpster and wearing 4 in heels.

I wonder why some people try to be something they are not?
I really neeed to go to sleeep.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend everybody!!!!!
Enjoyin Life.
This past week I've done nothing but enjoy life to the fullest, sometimes I feel down and depressed for being away from home but I must admit I am pretty friggin proud of myself for everything that I've achieved this year and even though not everything is like I would want it to be, it makes me feel daaarn good that ppl actually recognize your hard work, there is no better feeling and that's what keeps me from breaking down.

P.S. Don't forget to wear a scarf. ;]
I'm just a small town girl living the Big City life.

Go out Have fun get crunk !!! It's friday and The Mink/The Backroom it's the place to be!
P.S. Don't forget to wear a scarf. ;]
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
More Photos and Xmas Present!
This year I've been a really good girl and I've work really really hard so Santa came early for me.. One wish down 2 more to go !!
I really miss my Audi but I needed a bigger car and I love my new 09 Jeep Liberty.heh braggin much?

Second Wish. Studded boots from
And last but not least.Christmas with the family!
Have a good nigth everybody!
Woot Woot..
Friday, what a night a successful evening indeed, too much going on but at the end everything turned out right and everyone was satisfied.. I think.
I had the best time ever this show was by far the best experience yet I was extremely happy, I would prefer to omit the part were I got drunk and lost all my belongings including cellphone, bag, sweater and hat, I have some blurry photos that I would like to share.

And I had no ide who this guy was, but now I know he s Cool Pablo!!

Thanks to everybody for making this possible once again!
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